Saturday, September 29, 2018

In this subject, we walked around the city trying to find lines displaying symetry, asymetry and balance. For me finding balance was one of the hardest conecpts to find in the city. Finding Asymetry was very easy with the different buildings at different heights next to eachother



Tuesday, September 18, 2018

In this chapter, we were looking for, leading subjetcs, arrangements and decorative lines. For me it was very easy finding the decorative lines but it was very hard to find arrangements. With this concept we had to take a photo of something that would be a blank image without the lines

Leading Subject


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


In this project, we were tasked with taking photos showing depth. We had three catagories to follow along including: Leading lines, Depth staging and repitition. For leading lines we needed to find different leading lines around the city that have a vanish point in the distance. For Repitition we found images with any sort of consistancy in the pattern. Depth staging, uses two subjects and to show that there is space between them. Overall this was a fun task and I think I got some good photos out of it.
Leading lines


Depth staging